Photo Identification
- General Information
- Mobile Credential
- Photo RFID Card
- ID Card Eligibility
- ID Card Validation
- ID Card for Parking Use
- ID Card Sharing
- Multiple ID Cards
- Replacment ID Card Fees and Procedures
- Summer Photo ID Information
General Information
NJIT Photo ID cards are given to every NJIT Student and Staff member and are available at NJIT's ID Office. All ID cards are the property of NJIT and must be returned upon request. There is no fee for the initial card.
Mobile Credential
In addition to obtaining a traditional photo ID card, eligible students, faculty and staff may obtain a mobile credential that can be displayed on their mobile phone (via an app) in order to gain access to card readers on campus via Bluetooth technology. The photo ID office is inviting students, faculty and staff via email (with a from address of to optionally load their unique mobile credential onto one mobile phone. The mobile credential requires the user to load an app called “Symmetry Mobile” onto their mobile phone from the Android or Apple App Store. Please note that only one mobile credential may be activated on one mobile phone at any given time.
For more information, please visit
Photo RFID Card
Photo RFID cards are issued to eligible students, faculty and staff. RFID cards are identifiable by the card number on the front of the card being underlined. In addition to the magnetic strip on the back of the card, there is an internal chip and antenna that runs throughout RFID cards that allow the cards to communicate with a “tap” instead of a “swipe” at a card reader. As such, RFID cards should not be hole-punched.
NJIT Photo ID Card Eligibility
Students must be registered for NJIT classes (in the current semester) thru the NJIT registrar's office to be eligible to obtain an NJIT photo identification card. Students who are cross registered thru another University (Rutgers and ECC) are NOT eligible for NJIT photo ID. Cross registered students should carry their home university's photo ID card while on the NJIT campus for access to services (library, shuttle bus, etc.). You may print and carry a copy of your class schedule for identification purposes in such cases.
ID Card Validation
Validation stickers must be obtained every semester in order for the ID card to be valid. Validation stickers are available at the Photo ID Office (131 Summit Street-Laurel Hall Annex), and at the Library. Proper proof of registration is required (e.g. class schedule or receipt of tuition payment).
ID cards should be carried at all times while on campus for identification purposes. ID cards must be presented to NJIT Public Safety Officers upon request. ID cards are required to receive special campus services (i.e. library, gym, labs, etc) and access to certain buildings.
ID Card for Parking Use
The standard NJIT ID has a magnetic bar on the back that gains access to certain parking lot gates. Upon registering for parking, the ID card will be activated automatically for use at the appropriate gates. Please allow approximately 48 hours from the time of registration in order for the ID card to be activated. Any problems in ID card usage should be reported to the Photo ID Office.
Only one ID card will be activated for parking use per registrant. If two persons use the same vehicle, only the person who has registered for parking will have their card activated.
ID Card Sharing
NJIT ID cards may not be shared for any purpose. Use of NJIT cards for parking access by anyone other than the owner is prohibited.
Multiple ID Cards
If for some reason, multiple ID cards have been obtained, the older cards will be deactivated for any type of card access use. These older cards should not be used and should be returned to the Photo ID Office as soon as possible.
Replacement ID Card Fees and Procedures
There is no fee for the first NJIT ID card. If your identification card has been lost or stolen there is a $25 replacement fee. Replacement fees must be paid at the NJIT's Bursar window located in the student services mall (first level of the parking garage). The receipt must then be brought to the Photo ID Office in order to receive the new ID card.
Summer Photo ID Information
Students who are registered for summer classes at NJIT are not eligible to obtain a photo identification card unless they are registered for Fall classes. You may print and carry a copy of your summer schedule for identification purposes. Should you require entrance to Weston Hall, the Stu Mall, ME, GITC or the East buildings, please use the entrances located on the interior of the campus.